Case Studies

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More Case Studies

Foundation Repair Case Study Photo of Worker
Case Study | Foundation Repair SEO

Michigan Based Foundation Repair Company Achieves 625% ROI in 12 Months

With 180% increase in traffic.
Increase in Organic Leads
ROI in 12 Months
Increase in Organic Traffic
Increase in Total Impressions
Sometimes businesses perfect their craft, yet struggle to expand their reach due to a lack of qualified leads. Our client, a foundation repair business with over two decades of experience, knew they needed to take on additional business. However, they were burdened by high costs associated with lead generation, hindering their growth.

Statewide SEO for Foundation Repair Business
: We see it all the time – businesses over-paying to connect with potential customers. SEO is known as being one of the most cost-effective long-term solutions to generate qualified leads. We rank our clients across the top of search engines to directly connect them with local clients actively searching for their services. When compared to other digital marketing services, SEO has an incredibly low cost-per-lead due to the high number of searches and the level of qualification of each lead.

SEO Success & Increased Scope: The start of the SEO campaign was limited to a portion of the client’s state. Within the first 6 months of the campaign, the client was seeing such a strong ROI that they decided to expand the campaign to the entire state. As time has progressed, SEO continues to produce large ROIs for this customer; so much so, that they have continued to invest more in SEO each year.

We look forward to our continued success with this client and can’t wait to see how their business continues to grow throughout the coming years.
Photo of Roofers for Case study of roofing company
Case Study | Roofing SEO

Florida Roofing Company Sees 259% Increase in Organic Search Traffic

Florida Roofing Company Triples Organic Leads Over 12 Months.
Increase in new keywords
Increase in Total Impressions
 Increase in Organic Traffic
Roof problems can be a major headache for residential and commercial owners, and immediate solutions are necessary to prevent further damage to their property. As a result, many people are turning to Google to connect with credible roofing companies in their area, providing them with fast and reliable solutions.

SEO Audit for Roofing Companies:
The first step of the campaign started with an SEO audit of the client’s website. During this phase, our team was able to identify the shortcomings of their previous SEO firm. Once we had a list of SEO changes, we organized them by priority and began implementation. It was no surprise this client saw an immediate change in their organic rankings in one month. Their website was under-optimized, and Google wasn’t giving them the credit they deserved. After correcting many technical issues, we had a strong foundation for the rest our SEO campaign. We began spreading awareness of our client’s quality service, and their results continued to grow.

Cost-Effective SEO for Roofing Companies:
This particular roofing client serves multiple metropolitan areas. Their service area contains a large amount of search volume with incredibly high competition. In this space, Google ads can be highly competitive and very expensive. Rather than investing in AdWords, SEO has allowed them to save money and connect with more people actively searching for local roofers.

Continued Success:
During SEO consultations, people often ask if they should ever discontinue SEO efforts once they rank at the top of Google. If you are ranking at the top of Google, you must retain that position. In our most recent report, this client had passed their largest competitor in nearly every organic metric. It requires a great deal of effort to retain this top position in a competitive market, and it would be devastating to lose. Continuing to invest in SEO allows our client to reap a significant ROI from SEO, retain market share, and regularly build brand awareness. Secondly, when we have dominated a market, we encourage our clients to continue growing their business and expanding their service area. There will always be people searching for a reliable roofing company, and our job is to connect them with your business.
Photo of digital lock for Data Security SaaS case study
Case Study | SaaS SEO

Data Security SaaS Increases Organic Leads by 329% in 24 Months

Plus a 9,796% Return on Investment.
Increase in Organic Traffic
Increase in Total Impressions
Increase in Organic Leads
Return on Investment
In a digital world, it only makes sense that more and more individuals and businesses want to ensure their data remains safe. When it comes to data security, an abundance of choices exist. Most customers turn to Google to make a decision about which data security SaaS to select.
SEO for SaaS Companies: Our SaaS client knew they needed to invest in enterprise SEO services but was discouraged because they were so far behind in the organic results. Their internal marketing team felt they had made an enormous mistake having not invested in SEO several years prior. They realized ignoring SEO would only cause their business to fall further behind. Upon the start of the campaign, we identified many onsite changes that needed to take place. Most of these onsite changes were associated with search engine optimization, but we also identified multiple broken functions across the site. As with many our enterprise clients, we provided their team with a spec, and their internal web team implemented the suggested changes. Once they were finished, we verified that each change was properly implemented.

Link Acquisition for SaaS Companies:
Enterprise-level accounts require massive amounts of effort. Over the years, we have established a large network that allows us to place our clients in the very best light. We have featured this software company across Yahoo, Entrepreneur, and many other reputable sites to ensure we are building the proper authority for them. After several months of building off-page authority, we started to gain traction and the organic traffic began to compound.

Online Reputation Management for SaaS Companies: In addition to SEO, we also managed their online reputation. From time to time, negative PR will surface and we suppress this news within the Google News section. This additional effort has provided the client with an enhanced reputation and stable brand awareness.

SEO Results for SaaS companies: SEO had produced such a massive ROI that this client expanded their national SEO campaign to a global SEO campaign. This further catapulted their company’s growth to be listed on Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies. Today, organic search provides the website with nearly the same amount of traffic as paid search, at a fraction of the cost. This makes SEO their most cost-effective digital marketing investment. There is still plenty of progress to be made and we anticipate organic traffic will surpass paid traffic in the coming months.

Experienced in Home Services SEO

Years of experience in SEO, Remodeling, and Home Improvement.
Let's build a foundation for the future.
Photo of Home Interior for Foundation Repair Case Study
Case Study | Foundation Repair SEO

Foundation Repair Company Increases Organic Traffic by 372% in 6 Months

Plus dozens of new keywords ranked.
Increase in Organic Traffic
Increase in Total Impressions
Increase in Keywords Ranked
Starting a business is no small feat, especially when it’s in a highly competitive space. Across the country, there are plenty of options when it comes to foundation repair. As a result, consumers regularly turn to Google to find a trustworthy business to correct their foundation issues.
SEO for Foundation Repair startup: Our SEO campaigns usually start with an audit of what has been done on and off the website. Because this was a startup company with no digital presence, there was nothing to audit. We started implementing proper SEO from the very beginning. Working with startups allows us to build a solid SEO foundation for long-term results. Six months into the campaign, the client was already reaping the benefits of their SEO investment. We had increased organic traffic from Google by 372%, and they were feeling the results. The traffic influx resulted in a record number of phone calls and form submissions to their website. The SEO results were a huge eye-opener for the business. Because of these results, their team was eager to increase the scope of the campaign to cover a larger service area.

Relevant Foundation Repair Keywords:
Our aim isn’t limited to outranking the competition for a few of the main keywords in the market. It’s our responsibility to attract as much organic traffic as possible, and that’s why we rank our clients for so many keywords. Since we began, we have seen a 658% increase in the total number of keywords ranked. This allows us to target the primary short tail keywords and some of the long tail keywords that very few businesses are chasing after. We don’t limit our campaigns to a certain number of keywords. We take ownership of our client’s organic results and do whatever we can to connect them with people who are actively searching for their services.

We look forward to continued success in their market and growing the scope of their SEO campaign to include surrounding states.
Photo of Movers carrying boxes for moving and storage company case study
Case Study | Moving & Storage SEO

OKC-Based Mover Increases Organic Traffic by 410% in 6 Months

With reduction in customer acquisition costs.
Increase in Organic Traffic
More Keywords Ranked
Increase in Total Impressions
Moving can be incredibly stressful and taxing. In addition to uprooting your entire life, you have to transport all of your belongings to a new location. Across every state, there are thousands of people searching Google to find a reliable mover. Who they choose is who they find.
Before working with us, our moving client had been paying for nearly every lead. They were utilizing platforms like HomeAdvisor without investing in their website to generate leads. We were excited to get started, and there was plenty of room to grow.

Cost-Effective Leads for Moving Companies: In SEO, expectations are everything. We do our best to anticipate when clients might get a return on their investment. We do this by analyzing their website, their industry, and the competition across their service area.

This moving client understood that SEO is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital advertising and how it requires a long-term strategy. When we started the SEO campaign, we realized there was high search volume and competition across Oklahoma. As expected, the client didn’t receive additional organic traffic to their website for the first few months. During this time, we made significant progress by moving keywords to the middle of page two, but that didn’t result in online conversions.

It wasn’t until keywords were ranking on page one that the organic traffic started to pour into the website. As the campaign continued, rankings continued to increase, and organic traffic began to snowball. This additional traffic led to an impressive increase in phone calls and form submissions.

Today the client is reaping the benefits of SEO, but it has been a consistent effort to crawl up the rankings in such a competitive market.
photo of phone showing page speed optimization for page speed optimization case study
Case Study | Google PageSpeed Optimization

Website User Engagement Increased by 37% across 28 Websites

Page Load Time
Desktop PageSpeed Score
Mobile PageSpeed Score
Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about building credibility with Google. One way we build rapport with Google is by optimizing page speed. Not only is page speed a critical ranking factor, but it also impacts user behavior. The faster the site loads, the more likely the user will stay engaged with the site. The more engaged a user is, the more likely they will convert.
By optimizing page speed for our clients, we saw an average increase in user engagement by 37% across 28 websites. This additional engagement has led to more conversions and increased revenue for our clients.

Understanding Google PageSpeed: GooglePageSpeed is a weighted average of three different metrics. The weight of each metric reflects the user’s experience and the website’s performance. Here’s an overview of the three primary metrics Google is evaluating when calculating page speed:

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – LCP is an important metric for measuring the loading performance of a page. The LCP metric quantifies the amount of time it takes to load the largest piece of content (video, image, text block, etc.) from the moment a user requests the URL. A good LCP score indicates the page is loading quickly and efficiently.

First Input Delay (FID) – FID, is a critical performance metric measuring a page’s interactivity. More specifically, it is the time between an action being taken and the browser responding to that action. This can be anything from clicking a link or button to submitting a form.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – CLS is a metric that identifies every layout shift that takes place when the site loads. The score begins at zero and as the page loads, the score increases based on the amount of shifting that takes place. Elements impacting CLS may include buttons, images, text blocks, banner ads, etc.

How We Improved Google PageSpeed: Our development team spent hours asking the same question over and over – “How can we make the site load faster?” Our knowledge and experience allowed us to identify where our clients were losing credibility with Google. This enabled our team to correct technical errors impacting LCP, FID, and CLS across client websites. Such errors included the following:

Preloaded Largest Contentful Paint Image – In order to improve client LCP, we preloaded large pieces of content. This ensured our client sites were loading content before it was requested by the user.

Reduced Unused JavaScript – Our team minified JavaScript code. This made the code take up less space, and required less bandwidth when being downloaded. In addition to minification, we deferred the loading of scripts until they were required. This means the browser would not download and execute them.

Eliminated Render-Blocking Resources – We increased page loading speed by delivering critical JavaScript and CSS inline. This also included deferring all non-critical JavaScript styles. This allowed webpages to load faster and improve their overall performance.

Reduced Unused CSS – We took the necessary steps to keep CSS lean across all client sites. Every extra byte impacts the performance of websites.

Served Images In Next-Gen Formats – We replaced PNG and JPG images with WebP images. This format allowed us to compress the file size and provide optimized images, ultimately resulting in faster downloads and less data consumption.

Served Proper Sized Images – Large images can be the difference between a page that loads quickly and one that takes forever to load. That’s why we served images that are appropriately sized.

Avoided Enormous Network Payloads – We compressed the total size of web pages to ensure shorter load times and low data usage. This level of technical SEO is often neglected because it’s very complex and tedious. Most digital agencies either don’t have the necessary knowledge to make these changes, or implement basic SEO and move on to the next client. We recognize these trends within the SEO industry and see them as an area of opportunity.

At Click Impact SEO, we aren’t interested in just the quick wins for our clients. We are focused on capturing online market share for our clients. We do this by focusing on various ranking factors that will lead to the long-term success of our clients.